Gameplay Journal Entry #1

1 min readJan 20, 2021

I have been playing Destiny 2: Beyond Light. I feel this game is an example of a digital medium that demonstrates cultural norms. Due to the highly social aspect of Destiny, I see these effects in my own play experience. The social mechanics are primarily where I see these norms emerge. The mechanics of social groups such as Fireteams and Clans are pushed very hard within the games. It is often playfully said that the developers of Bungie hate solo players.

Pinnacle events such as Raids or Strikes provide valuable loot and can only be done feasibly with a team. This is a social norm that is forced onto the player. I did not like playing with others that I did not know but have transitioned into scheduling sessions with strangers simply to progress more efficiently in the game. I am reminded of one of the explanations of a technicity from the reading this week “We want to insist that this historical moment produces technological competence as a key marker for success as a participant in the modern culture. “(Dovey, Kennedy). All this to stand out when I play with my actual friends. Over time this produces a cultural norm to “grind” to obtain materialistically to separate yourself from your peers.

